Friday, July 16, 2010

Another post long overdue...

...I wonder if anyone is even reading anymore.

June was a busy month...a sad one as well.

My dear, sweet Oma passed away in June.  If you remember, my Ota died in January, and ever since then she lost her will to live.  In fact, we thought we were going to lose her a week after we lost my Ota.
Sadly, we did not see it coming....or at least we chose not to.  Medically, she was healthy.  She did have dementia, however, it was not yet advanced.  Emotionally, she was tired.  She missed my Ota...her husband...her companion for over 60 years....her one true love.

I am heartbroken.  Completely heartbroken.  I loved my grandmother so, so much.  I still cannot believe that she is no longer with us.  Each night, in the quiet peacefulness of the baby's room, I rock Olivia, I sing to her, and I cry. I remember my Oma, and what a strong, beautiful woman she was, and how much...oh, how I miss her.  How I wish she could see Olivia and how she has grown.

My faith tells me that she is with me still, and always will be.  However, I am selfish, and right now that is just not good enough.

I was, and am still not ready to let her go....


rlvd said...

so sorry for your loss...praying for you and family in grief~ and yes, i'm still reading :)

Anonymous said...

So sorry for the loss of your Oma. I lost my grandparents a few years ago and it is still incredibly hard. The fact that you are missing her so much shows what a wonderful person she was. Prayers for your family.

Kelly said...

Still reading here!!!

So sorry for your loss ((hugs))

Cadie said...

I'm still here and reading! I'm so sorry for your loss. I will be thinking and praying for you.