....a bunch!
While I am still mourning the death of my Oma, we have had a WONDERFUL summer so far with Olivia. Each morning, my husband and I still can't believe that we wake-up to a happy, smiling, little face. She is such a joy. We also count our blessings that we are both home with her all summer long. She gets us, all day....every day.
What is amazing to me is that I don't want her to get bigger, yet I enjoy each new phase even more than the previous. I always think that she cannot possibly get any cuter....but she does. Ohh.....what a little love.
Anyway, instead of writing, picture updates with captions it will be!
Mother's Day---Four Generations---Oliva, me, my mom, Oma
I look at it, and cannot believe how sick Oma looks. I look at this picture, and I don't even recognize her. |
My friend Marilyn's little girl, Ava, with Olivia. Isn't she a doll!
We got a gift from some friends to have Olivia's picture taken by Andrea Peardon. She came to our home back in May, and we went out in the backyard and she took some really beautiful pictures. |
Lexington |
In the yard with Daddy and Winston (the pug is never far behind...) |
Someone got their ears pierced! |
Suttons Bay---First time in sand. |
Suttons Bay with Daddy. |
Suttons Bay with Mama. Water was too cold for baby to go any further, otherwise this little fish would have been in. |
Uncle Beau is soooo good to me. |
Playing with cousins Nolan and Quinn. |
At one of the wineries! I think we visited 4 this day..... |
Me with Aunt Kitty at Lynda's wedding. |
Pretty Girl |
Leland, aka "Fish Town" |
Cherry Republic in Glen Arbor |
Grandpa always tries to find a chair to sit and relax while we all scatter and shop. |
On the way home from up north, we passed through the town where Olivia was born. I had Bill find the hospital, and we drove around wondering, "what if........." |
I looked out the kitchen window and saw this.
(Daddy was watering flowers nearby.......) |
I ran outside, and this is how she now uses her bouncy chair....or at least how she did. It has been retired.
She is a very determined little girl. |
Loves to touch. |
Sticking Tip of Tongue Out phase...... |
....which coincided with the Suck Bottom Lip phase. |
Winston has quickly learned where to hang out when Olivia is eating. |
She loves her doggies. |
First time in high chair.....Look at that happy face! |
Loves to chase the dogs in her walker. Poor Gretel is blind and doesn't see her coming. She has ended up on her stomach more than once..... |
Who could not resist waking up to this every morning?! |
full tummy..... |
Ann Arbor Art Fair....I must try to touch everything! |
What a cute girl! Glad everything is going so great :)
Great pictures!!!
((hugs)) for your Oma!
do you live in MI? (i do) :)
loved leeland the time or 2 I was there in childhood-- and please tell me what cherry republic is b/c that building looks like something i rack my brain trying to think of where it was when looking at pictures from trips!
Hi rlvd....Yes, we are in Michigan. I love the northern part of the state, don't you?
Cherry Republic is a "store" I guess you would call it. They make all their products from the cherry orchards in the area. They have cherry salsa, all sorts of jams, trail mix, wine.....I could go on! It is in Glen Arbor, right by The Homestead resort and Sleeping Bear Dunes. They also have a little cafe where you can get ice cream, cherry pop, cookies.....This was my first visit to the actual store. Very yummy stuff!
Hi Monika -- I'm in MI, too, but you might have already known that from my blog...not sure! I LOVE how you posted the pictures with the captions...how did you do that? I'll have to try it sometime.
Love the pic from the Ann Arbor Art Fair. We wanted to go but we just weren't able to get there. Too much company here, plus getting ready for the baptism (and more company!) I hope you had fun at the fair, though. I LOVE big outdoor art fairs like that...I always feel ready to paint or make something after I've been to them!
Have you been over to the Saugatuck area? Lots of great art-related shops over there, too.
Just wanted to add that I'm so sorry about the passing of your Oma. I hope each day gets a little bit better.
All of your pictures are beautiful. Is Oma German?
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